Fallout shelter best vault layout
Fallout shelter best vault layout

fallout shelter best vault layout

That doesn't really fit in with the leadership experiment in any way that I can tell, but it does bring us to Gary. We don't really know, honestly, because a cloning chamber was included in Vault 108. What would happen in the vacuum of leadership when the lights went out and guns were everywhere? The Vault was assigned an Overseer who would die of terminal cancer within months, outfitted with a heavily stocked armory, and given a malfunctioning power supply. Vault 108's experiment was about how people function in a crisis with a lack of leadership and an overabundance of weapons. Looking over the series, I'd really hoped to find a Vault that was better than Gary's, just to shake things up a little. When Fallout fans discuss the various Vaults, it's never without a mention of Gary. What a great group of people, huh? Of all the Vaults, this one sounds like a pretty accurate depiction of human nature. They didn't, though, because one of the five shot the other four dead. They then considered the only 'logical' option: killing themselves. In the end, only five inhabitants were left to discover that all the killing had been done for nothing. The actual sad truth of Vault 11 was that if the citizens chose to stand together and refuse the annual sacrifice, nothing bad would have happened to them.īut these are human beings we're talking about, so naturally they went with the sacrifice option, which led to bouts of infighting, plotting, back-stabbing, and murder. You even get to visit the sacrifice chamber, where a filmstrip is shown to the unlucky lamb stressing how important their sacrifice was for the greater good-after which the walls slide open and a score of robots and turrets open fire. Residents were told that every year they would have to sacrifice one resident or they would all die.

fallout shelter best vault layout

The social experiment in Vault 11 was a damn grim one.

Fallout shelter best vault layout