Is hogwarts legacy multiplayer
Is hogwarts legacy multiplayer

is hogwarts legacy multiplayer is hogwarts legacy multiplayer

(5- A fully immersive multiplayer open world experience) Do you remember Playstation Home's Pottermore world? Imagine this but with NPCs and players roaming around making the world around you feel more lively. (4- A singleplayer story with multiplayer options) The story experience is a crucial aspect in an RPG, In Monster Hunter World, optional and story quests were separated almost entirely from all multiplayer interferences, but in case help was needed you could invite 3 other players to accompany you. (3- Not an MMO) Multiplayer could be used for playing mini games together, exploring Hogwarts and it's grounds, attending classes for experience, learning spells/practicing spells with friends, or do all of the above and still enjoy it just as much in a private session with 1 or 2 friends. (2- An open world gathering hub) Much like Monster Hunter World Hogwarts could be used as a massive gathering hub alongside places like Hogsmeade and the Quidditch stadium. (1- Not another GTA Online or Destiny/Avenegers clone) With the power of choice you could choose to create a public or private server much like creating an online session in Monster Hunter World, through this method you could fix the amount of people you want in a server so it wont be too crowded. As I love the idea of a great singleplayer experience there are games that manage to have multiplayer while keeping the immersion factor of a singleplayer game, a great example would be Monster Hunter World, and these are my suggestions. Now hear me out because I think the idea of multiplayer in the world of Hogwarts Legacy may be getting misunderstood.

Is hogwarts legacy multiplayer